I intentionally took my time to write this piece. It has been challenging to process these times. And I’m sure the majority of you reading this today will understand. This time around, this transition back to work is like nothing I would have ever imagined. I needed a moment to absorb it all. There’s a few things that I want to talk about in this post, but I want to preface it by saying how grateful I am to have my health, a steady job, and my family. I have to show gratitude. As much as I feel angry and disgruntled – I am appreciative. So, let’s get into it…
(more…)Appreciate. Appreciate. Appreciate.
How often do we sit back to reflect and appreciate the little things in our lives? I remember as kids growing up, my parents would always reiterate to my brother and I to always be thankful and appreciate the food on the table, the hot water, and the roof over our head. We did. I don’t think we’d be where we are today if we didn’t appreciate these things. But since becoming a Ma, I have found myself in general just observing more, understanding more, and definitely appreciatingmore.
(more…)Part II
First things first – to those who personally reached out to me after reading my first blog entry; thank you. Your words of encouragement and endearment have given me the drive to keep sharing my untold thoughts. And to those who let me in and shared their most deepest experiences – I sincerely and wholeheartedly appreciate it. I feel trusted and humbled and send positivity your way, always. Truthfully speaking, I held no expectations when I started my blog. I was overwhelmed with the feedback I received. I wrote from the heart. I felt vulnerable. But I felt good. I felt proud of myself for finally opening up.
(more…)Untold Thoughts: Ma and Pa Edition
Part I
Here goes. The mom blogger in me is coming out. What makes this blog space different; probably nothing. But for a while now I’ve been meaning to start a blog. I have finally built up the courage and dedication to express my inner thoughts. I’ve been inspired to write and learned that life is too delicate to not share our experiences.
So, here I am, a new Ma. My inspiration to start writing is my little warrior (I’ll introduce her in a little bit). Throughout the past year, she has changed me. She has made me realize SO much. She has especially made me realize that she has one awesome Pa (not that I ever had any doubts, Pa). So of course, a special shout-out goes to Pa for supporting and encouraging me to start my blog. I won’t get into why I titled my blog the “Untold Thoughts” or why I refer to my husband and I as “Pa” and “Ma” – truthfully, I haven’t figured it out yet; it sounded good so I just went with it.
For now, let’s start from the beginning…